Friday 28 November 2014


At-the-money: The exercise price of a derivative that is closest to the market price of the underlying instrument.
ATM:  ATMs are Automatic Teller Machines, which do the job of a teller in a bank through Computer Network. ATMs are located on the branch premises or off branch premises. ATMs are useful to dispense cash, receive cash, accept cheques, give balances in the accounts and also give mini-statements to the customers.
Authorization: The issuance of approval, by a credit card issuer, merchant, or other affiliate, to complete a credit card transaction.
Automated Clearing House (ACH): A computerized facility used by member depository institutions to electronically combine, sort, and distribute inter-bank credits and debits. ACHs process electronic transfers of government securities and provided customer services, such as direct deposit of customers' salaries and government benefit payments (i.e., social security, welfare, and veterans' entitlements), and preauthorized transfers.
Automated Teller Machine (ATM): A machine, activated by a magnetically encoded card or other medium that can process a variety of banking transactions. These include accepting deposits and loan payments, providing withdrawals, and transferring funds between accounts.
Automatic Bill Payment: A checkless system for paying recurring bills with one authorization statement to a financial institution. For example, the customer would only have to provide one authorization form/letter/document to pay the cable bill each month. The necessary debits and credits are made through an Automated Clearing House (ACH).
Availability Date: Bank's policy as to when funds deposited into an account will be available for withdrawal.
Availability Policy: Bank's policy as to when funds deposited into an account will be available for withdrawal.
Available Balance: The balance of an account less any hold, uncollected funds, and restrictions against the account.
Available Credit: The difference between the credit limit assigned to a cardholder account and the present balance of the account.

Banking: Accepting for the purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money from Public, Repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw able by cheques, drafts, order, etc.
Bank Ombudsman: Bank Ombudsman is the authority to look into complaints against Banks in the main areas of collection of cheque / bills, issue of demand drafts, non-adherence to prescribed hours of working, failure to honour guarantee / letter of credit commitments, operations in deposit accounts and also in the areas of loans and advances where banks flout directions / instructions of RBI. This Scheme was announced in 1995 and is functioning with new guidelines from 2007. This scheme covers all scheduled banks, the RRBs and co-operative banks.
Bancassurance:  Bancassurance refers to the distribution of insurance products and the insurance policies of insurance companies which may be life policies or non-life policies like home insurance - car insurance, medi-policies and others, by banks as corporate agents through their branches located in different parts of the country by charging a fee.
Banker's Lien: Bankers lien is a special right of lien exercised by the bankers, who can retain goods bailed to them as a security for general balance of account. Bankers can have this right in the absence of a contract to the contrary.
Basel-II: The Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices, popularity known as Basel Committee, submitted its revised version of norms in June, 2004. Under the revised accord the capital requirement is to be calculated for credit, market and operational risks. The minimum requirement continues to be 8% of capital fund (Tier I & II Capital) Tier II shall continue to be not more than 100% of Tier I Capital.
Brick & Mortar Banking: Brick and Mortar Banking refers to traditional system of banking done only in a fixed branch premises made of brick and mortar. Now there are banking channels like ATM, Internet Banking, tele banking etc.
Business of Banking : Accepting deposits, borrowing money, lending money, investing, dealing in bills, dealing in Foreign Exchange, Hiring Lockers, Opening Safe Custody Accounts, Issuing Letters of Credit, Travelers’ Cheques, doing Mutual Fund business, Insurance Business, acting as Trustee or doing any other business which Central Government may notify in the official Gazette.
Bouncing of a cheque: Where an account does not have sufficient balance to honour the cheque issued by the customer, the cheque is returned by the bank with the reason "funds insufficient" or "Exceeds arrangement”. This is known as 'Bouncing of a cheque’.
Basis Point: One hundredth of 1%. A measure normally used in the statement of interest rate e.g., a change from 5.75% to 5.81% is a change of 6 basis points. Bear Markets: Unfavorable markets associated with falling prices and investor pessimism.
Bid-ask Spread: The difference between a dealers’s bid and ask price.
Bid Price: The highest price offered by a dealer to purchase a given security.
Blue Chips: Blue chips are unsurpassed in quality and have a long and stable record of earnings and dividends. They are issued by large and well-established firms that have impeccable financial credentials.
Bond: Publicly traded long-term debt securities, issued by corporations and governments, whereby the issuer agrees to pay a fixed amount of interest over a specified period of time and to repay a fixed amount of principal at maturity.
Book Value: The amount of stockholders’ equity in a firm equals the amount of the firm’s assets minus the firm’s liabilities and preferred stock.
Broker: Individuals licensed by stock exchanges to enable investors to buy and sell securities.
Brokerage Fee: The commission charged by a broker.
Bull Markets: Favorable markets associated with rising prices and investor optimism.

Call Option: The right to buy the underlying securities at a specified exercise price on or before a specified expiration date.
Callable Bonds: Bonds that give the issuer the right to redeem the bonds before their stated maturity.
Capital Gain: The amount by which the proceeds from the sale of a capital asset exceed its original purchase price.
Capital Markets: The market in which long-term securities such as stocks and bonds are bought and sold.
Certificate of Deposits (CDs): Savings instrument in which funds must remain on deposit for a specified period and premature withdrawals incur interest penalties.
Certificate of Deposit:. Certificate of Deposits are negotiable receipts in bearer form which can be freely traded among investors. This is also a money market instrument,issued for a period ranging from 7 days to f one year .The minimum deposit amount is Rs. 1 lakh and they are transferable by endorsement and delivery.
Cheque: Cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker ordering the banker to pay a certain sum of money to the drawer of cheque or another person. Money is generally withdrawn by clients by cheques. Cheque is always payable on demand.
Cheque Truncation: Cheque truncation truncates or stops the flow of cheques through the banking system. Generally truncation takes place at the collecting branch, which sends the electronic image of the cheques to the paying branch through the clearing house and stores the paper cheques with it.
Closed-end (Mutual) Fund: A fund with a fixed number of shares issued, and all trading is done between investors in the open market. The share prices are determined by market prices instead of their net asset value.
Collateral: A specific asset pledged against possible default on a bond. Mortgage bonds are backed by claims on property. Collateral trusts bonds are backed by claims on other securities. Equipment obligation bonds are backed by claims on equipment.
Commercial Paper: Short-term and unsecured promissory notes issued by corporations with very high credit standings.
Common Stock: Equity investment representing ownership in a corporation; each share represents a fractional ownership interest in the firm.
Compound Interest: Interest paid not only on the initial deposit but also on any interest accumulated from one period to the next.
Contract Note:  A note which must accompany every security transaction which contains information such as the dealer’s name (whether he is acting as principal or agent) and the date of contract.
Controlling Shareholder: Any person who is, or group of persons who together are, entitled to exercise or control the exercise of a certain amount of shares in a company at a level (which differs by jurisdiction) that triggers a mandatory general offer, or more of the voting power at general meetings of the issuer, or who is or are in a position to control the composition of a majority of the board of directors of the issuer.
Convertible Bond: A bond with an option, allowing the bondholder to exchange the bond for a specified number of shares of common stock in the firm. A conversion price is the specified value of the shares for which the bond may be exchanged. The conversion premium is the excess of the bond’s value over the conversion price.
Corporate Bond: Long-term debt issued by private corporations.
Coupon: The feature on a bond that defines the amount of annual interest income.
Coupon Frequency: The number of coupon payments per year.
Coupon Rate: The annual rate of interest on the bond’s face value that a bond’s issuer promises to pay the bondholder. It is the bond’s interest payment per dollar of par value.
Covered Warrants:  Derivative call warrants on shares which have been separately deposited by the issuer so that they are available for delivery upon exercise.
Credit Rating: An assessment of the likelihood of an individual or business being able to meet its financial obligations. Credit ratings are provided by credit agencies or rating agencies to verify the financial strength of the issuer for investors.
Collecting Banker: Also called receiving banker, who collects on instruments like a cheque, draft or bill of exchange, lodged with himself for the credit of his customer's account.
Consumer Protection Act: It is implemented from 1987 to enforce consumer rights through a simple legal procedure. Banks also are covered under the Act. A consumer can file complaint for deficiency of service with Consumer District Forum for amounts upto Rs.20 Lacs in District Court, and for amounts above Rs.20 Lacs to Rs.1 Crore in State Commission and for amounts above Rs.1 Crore in National Commission.
Co-operative Bank : An association of persons who collectively own and operate a bank for the benefit of consumers / customers, like Saraswat Co-operative Bank or Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank and other such banks.
Co-operative Society : When an association of persons collectively own and operate a unit for the benefit of those using its services like Apna Bazar Co-operative Society or Sahakar Bhandar or a Co-operative Housing Society.
Core Banking Solutions (CBS): Core Banking Solutions is a buzz word in Indian banking at present, where branches of the bank are connected to a central host and the customers of connected branches can do banking at any breach with core banking facility.
Creditworthiness: It is the capacity of a borrower to repay the loan / advance in time along with interest as per agreed terms.
Crossing of Cheques: Crossing refers to drawing two parallel lines across the face of the cheque. A crossed cheque cannot be paid in cash across the counter, and is to be paid through a bank either by transfer, collection or clearing. A general crossing means that cheque can be paid through any bank and a special crossing, where the name of a bank is indicated on the cheque, can be paid only through the named bank.
Customer: A person who maintains any type of account with a bank is a bank customer. Consumer Protection Act has a wider definition for consumer as the one who purchases any service for a fee like purchasing a demand draft or a pay order. The term customer is defined differently by Laws, softwares and countries.
Current Account: Current account with a bank can be opened generally for business purpose. There are no restrictions on withdrawals in this type of account. No interest is paid in this type of account.
Currency Board: A monetary system in which the monetary base is fully backed by foreign reserves. Any changes in the size of the monetary base have to be fully matched by corresponding changes in the foreign reserves.
Current Yield: A return measure that indicates the amount of current income a bond provides relative to its market price. It is shown as: Coupon Rate divided by Price multiplied by 100%.
Custody of Securities: Registration of securities in the name of the person to whom a bank is accountable, or in the name of the bank’s nominee; plus deposition of securities in a designated account with the bank’s bankers or with any other institution providing custodial services.

Debit Card: A plastic card issued by banks to customers to withdraw money electronically from their accounts. When you purchase things on the basis of Debit Card the amount due is debited immediately to the account. Many banks issue Debit-Cum-ATM Cards.
Debtor: A person who takes some money on loan from another person.
Demand Deposits: Deposits which are withdrawn on demand by customers. E.g.  savings bank and current account deposits.
Demat Account: Demat Account concept has revolutionized the capital market of India. When a depository company takes paper shares from an investor and converts them in electronic form through the concerned company, it is called Dematerialization of Shares. These converted Share Certificates in Electronic form are kept in a Demat Account by the Depository Company, like a bank keeps money in a deposit account. Investor can withdraw the shares or purchase more shares through this demat Account.
Derivative Call (Put) Warrants: Warrants issued by a third party which grant the holder the right to buy (sell) the shares of a listed company at a specified price.
Derivative Instrument: Financial instrument whose value depends on the value of another asset.
Discount Bond:  A bond selling below par, as interest in-lieu to the bondholders.
Dishonour of Cheque: Non-payment of a cheque by the paying banker with a return memo giving reasons for the non-payment. Default Risk: The possibility that a bond issuer will default ie, fail to repay principal and interest in a timely manner.
Diversification: The inclusion of a number of different investment vehicles in a portfolio in order to increase returns or be exposed to less risk.
Duration: A measure of bond price volatility, it captures both price and reinvestment risks to indicate how a bond will react to different interest rate environments.

Earnings: The total profits of a company after taxation and interest.
Earnings per Share (EPS): The amount of annual earnings available to common stockholders as stated on a per share basis.
Earnings Yield: The ratio of earnings to price (E/P). The reciprocal is price earnings ratio (P/E).
E-Banking : E-Banking or electronic banking is a form of banking where funds are transferred through exchange of electronic signals between banks and financial institution and customers ATMs, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, International Cards, Internet Banking and new fund transfer devices like SWIFT, RTGS belong to this category.
EFT - (Electronic Fund Transfer): EFT is a device to facilitate automatic transmission and processing of messages as well as funds from one bank branch to another bank branch and even from one branch of a bank to a branch of another bank. EFT allows transfer of funds electronically with debit and credit to relative accounts.
Either or Survivor: Refers to operation of the account opened in two names with a bank. It means that any one of the account holders have powers to withdraw money from the account, issue cheques, give stop payment instructions etc. In the event of death of one of the account holder, the surviving account holder gets all the powers of operation.
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce): E-Commerce is the paperless commerce where the exchange of business takes place by Electronic means.
Endorsement: When a Negotiable Instrument contains, on the back of the instrument an endorsement, signed by the holder or payee of an order instrument, transferring the title to the other person, it is called endorsement.
Bouncing of a cheque: Where the name of the endorsee or transferee is not mentioned on the instrument.
Endorsement in Full: Where the name of the endorsee or transferee appears on the instrument while making endorsement.
Equity: Ownership of the company in the form of shares of common stock.
Equity Call Warrants: Warrants issued by a company which give the holder the right to acquire new shares in that company at a specified price and for a specified period of time.
Ex-dividend (XD): A security which no longer carries the right to the most recently declared dividend or the period of time between the announcement of the dividend and the payment (usually two days before the record date). For transactions during the ex-dividend period, the seller will receive the dividend, not the buyer. Ex-dividend status is usually indicated in newspapers with an (x) next to the stock’s or unit trust’s name.
Execution of Documents: Execution of documents is done by putting signature of the person, or affixing his thumb impression or putting signature with stamp or affixing common seal of the company on the documents with or without signatures of directors as per articles of association of the company.

Face Value/ Nominal Value: The value of a financial instrument as stated on the instrument. Interest is calculated on face/nominal value.
Fixed-income Securities: Investment vehicles that offer a fixed periodic return.
Fixed Rate Bonds:  Bonds bearing fixed interest payments until maturity date.
Floating Rate Bonds: Bonds bearing interest payments that are tied to current interest rates.
Factoring: Business of buying trade debts at a discount and making a profit when debt is realized and also taking over collection of trade debts at agreed prices.
Foreign Banks: Banks incorporated outside India but operating in India and regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI),. e..g., Barclays Bank, HSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, etc.
Forfeiting: In International Trade when an exporter finds it difficult to realize money from the importer, he sells the right to receive money at a discount to a forfaiter, who undertakes inherent political and commercial risks to finance the exporter, of course with assumption of a profit in the venture.
Forgery: when a material alteration is made on a document or a Negotiable Instrument like a cheque, to change the mandate of the drawer, with intention to defraud.
Fundamental Analysis: Research to predict stock value that focuses on such determinants as earnings and dividends prospects, expectations for future interest rates and risk evaluation of the firm.
Future Value: The amount to which a current deposit will grow over a period of time when it is placed in an account paying compound interest.
Future Value of an Annuity: The amount to which a stream of equal cash flows that occur in equal intervals will grow over a period of time when it is placed in an account paying compound interest.
Futures Contract: A commitment to deliver a certain amount of some specified item at some specified date in the future.

Garnishee Order: When a Court directs a bank to attach the funds to the credit of customer's account under provisions of Section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
General Lien: A right of the creditors to retain possession of all goods given in security to him by the debtor for any outstanding debt.
Guarantee: A contract between guarantor and beneficiary to ensure performance of a promise or discharge the liability of a third person. If promise is broken or not performed, the guarantor pays contracted amount to the beneficiary.

Hedge: A combination of two or more securities into a single investment position for the purpose of reducing or eliminating risk.
Holder: Holder means any person entitled in his own name to the possession of the cheque, bill of exchange or promissory note and who is entitled to receive or recover the amount due on it from the parties. For example, if I give a cheque to my friend to withdraw money from my bank,he becomes holder of that cheque. Even if he loses the cheque, he continues to be holder. Finder cannot become the holder.
Holder in due course : A person who receives a Negotiable Instrument for value, before it was due and in good faith, without notice of any defect in it, he is called holder in due course as per Negotiable Instrument Act. In the earlier example if my friend lends some money to me on the basis of the cheque, which I have given to him for encashment, he becomes holder-in-due course.
Hypothecation: Charge against property for an amount of debt where neither ownership nor possession is passed to the creditor. In pledge, possession of property is passed on to the lender but in hypothecation, the property remains with the borrower in trust for the lender.

Identification: When a person provides a document to a bank or is being identified by a person, who is known to the bank, it is called identification. Banks ask for identification before paying an order cheque or a demand draft across the counter.
Indemnifier: When a person indemnifies or guarantees to make good any loss caused to the lender from his actions or others' actions.
Indemnity: Indemnity is a bond where the indemnifier undertakes to reimburse the beneficiary from any loss arising due to his actions or third party actions.
Income: The amount of money an individual receives in a particular time period.
Index Fund:  A mutual fund that holds shares in proportion to their representation in a market index, such as the S&P 500.
Initial Public Offering (IPO): An event where a company sells its shares to the public for the first time. The company can be referred to as an IPO for a period of time after the event.
Inside Information: Non-public knowledge about a company possessed by its officers, major owners, or other individuals with privileged access to information.
Insider Trading: The illegal use of non-public information about a company to make profitable securities transactions
Insolvent: Insolvent is a person who is unable to pay his debts as they mature, as his liabilities are more than the assets . Civil Courts declare such persons insolvent. Banks do not open accounts of insolvent persons as they cannot enter into contract as per law.
Interest Warrant: When cheque is given by a company or an organization in payment of interest on deposit , it is called interest warrant. Interest warrant has all the characteristics of a cheque.
International Banking: involves more than two nations or countries. If an Indian Bank has branches in different countries like State Bank of India, it is said to do International Banking.
Introduction: Banks are careful in opening any account for a customer as the prospective customer has to be introduced by an existing account holder or a staff member or by any other person known to the bank for opening of account. If bank does not take introduction, it will amount to negligence and will not get protection under law.
Intrinsic Value: The difference of the exercise price over the market price of the underlying asset.
Investment: A vehicle for funds expected to increase its value and/or generate positive returns.
Investment Adviser: A person who carries on a business which provides investment advice with respect to securities and is registered with the relevant regulator as an investment adviser.
IPO price: The price of share set before being traded on the stock exchange. Once the company has gone Initial Public Offering, the stock price is determined by supply and demand.

JHF Account : Joint Hindu Family Account is account of a firm whose business is carried out by Karta of the Joint family, acting for all the family members.. The family members have common ancestor and generally maintain a common residence and are subject to common social, economic and religious regulations.
Joint Account: When two or more individuals jointly open an account with a bank.
Junk Bond: High-risk securities that have received low ratings (i.e. Standard & Poor’s BBB rating or below; or Moody’s BBB rating or below) and as such, produce high yields, so long as they do not go into default.

Karta: Manager of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) who handles the family business. He is usually the eldest male member of the undivided family.
Kiosk Banking: Doing banking from a cubicle from which food, newspapers, tickets etc. are also sold.
KYC Norms: Know your customer norms are imposed by R.B.I. on banks and other financial institutions to ensure that they know their customers and to ensure that customers deal only in legitimate banking operations and not in money laundering or frauds.

Law of Limitation: Limitation Act of 1963 fixes the limitation period of debts and obligations including banks loans and advances. If the period fixed for particular debt or loan expires, one cannot file a suit for is recovery, but the fact of the debt or loan is not denied. It is said that law of limitation bars the remedy but does not extinguish the right.
Lease Financing: Financing for the business of renting houses or lands for a specified period of time and also hiring out of an asset for the duration of its economic life. Leasing of a car or heavy machinery for a specific period at specific price is an example.
Letter of Credit: A document issued by importers bank to its branch or agent abroad authorizing the payment of a specified sum to a person named in Letter of Credit (usually exporter from abroad). Letters of Credit are covered by rules framed under Uniform Customs and Practices of Documentary Credits framed by International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.
Limited Companies Accounts: Accounts of companies incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 . A company may be private or public. Liability of the shareholders of a company is generally limited to the face value of shares held by them.
Leverage Ratio: Financial ratios that measure the amount of debt being used to support operations and the ability of the firm to service its debt.
Libor: The London Interbank Offered Rate (or LIBOR) is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the London wholesale money market (or interbank market). The LIBOR rate is published daily by the British Banker’s Association and will be slightly higher than the London Interbank Bid Rate (LIBID), the rate at which banks are prepared to accept deposits.
Limit Order: An order to buy (sell) securities which specifies the highest (lowest) price at which the order is to be transacted.
Limited Company: The passive investors in a partnership, who supply most of the capital and have liability limited to the amount of their capital contributions.
Liquidity: The ability to convert an investment into cash quickly and with little or no loss in value.
Listing: Quotation of the Initial Public Offering company’s shares on the stock exchange for public trading.
Listing Date: The date on which Initial Public Offering stocks are first traded on the stock exchange by the public

Margin Call: A notice to a client that it must provide money to satisfy a minimum margin requirement set by an Exchange or by a bank / broking firm.
Market Capitalization: The product of the number of the company’s outstanding ordinary shares and the market price of each share.
Market Maker: A dealer who maintains an inventory in one or more stocks and undertakes to make continuous two-sided quotes.
Market Order: An order to buy or an order to sell securities which is to be executed at the prevailing market price.
Money Market: Market in which short-term securities are bought and sold.
Marginal Standing Facility Rate: MSF scheme has become effective from 09th May, 2011 launched by the RBI. Under this scheme, Banks will be able to borrow upto 1% of their respective Net Demand and Time Liabilities.  The rate of interest on the amount accessed from this facility will be 100 basis points (i.e. 1%) above the repo rate. This scheme is likely to reduce volatility in the overnight rates and improve monetary transmission.
Mandate: Written authority issued by a customer to another person to act on his behalf, to sign cheques or to operate a bank account.
Material Alteration: Alteration in an instrument so as to alter the character of an instrument for example when date, amount, name of the payee are altered or making a cheque payable to bearer from an order one or opening the crossing on a cheque.
Merchant Banking : When a bank provides to a customer various types of financial services like accepting bills arising out of trade, arranging and providing underwriting, new issues, providing advice, information or assistance on starting new business, acquisitions, mergers and foreign exchange.
Micro Finance: Micro Finance aims at alleviation of poverty and empowerment of weaker sections in India. In micro finance, very small amounts are given as credit to poor in rural, semi-urban and urban areas to enable them to raise their income levels and improve living standards.
Minor Accounts: A minor is a person who has not attained legal age of 18 years. As per Contract Act a minor cannot enter into a contract but as per Negotiable Instrument Act, a minor can draw, negotiate, endorse, receive payment on a Negotiable Instrument so as to bind all the persons, except himself. In order to boost their deposits many banks open minor accounts with some restrictions.
Mobile Banking : With the help of M-Banking or mobile banking customer can check his bank balance, order a demand draft, stop payment of a cheque, request for a cheque book and have information about latest interest rates.
Money Laundering: When a customer uses banking channels to cover up his suspicious and unlawful financial activities, it is called money laundering.
Money Market: Money market is not an organized market like Bombay Stock Exchange but is an informal network of banks, financial institutions who deal in money market instruments of short term like CP, CD and Treasury bills of Government.
Moratorium: R.B.I. imposes moratorium on operations of a bank; if the affairs of the bank are not conducted as per banking norms. After moratorium R.B.I. and Government explore the options of safeguarding the interests of depositors by way of change in management, amalgamation or take over or by other means.
Mortgage: Transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of offering a security for taking a loan or advance from another. It may be existing or future debt or performance of an agreement which may create monetary obligation for the transferor (mortgagor).
Mutual Fund: A company that invests in and professionally manages a diversified portfolio of securities and sells shares of the portfolio to investors.

NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development was setup in 1982 under the Act of 1981. NABARD finances and regulates rural financing and also is responsible for development agriculture and rural industries.
Negotiation: In the context of banking, negotiation means an act of transferring or assigning a money instrument from one person to another person in the course of business.
Net Asset Value: The underlying value of a share of stock in a particular mutual fund; also used with preferred stock.
Non-Fund Based Limits: Non-Fund Based Limits are those type of limits where banker does not part with the funds but may have to part with funds in case of default by the borrowers, like guarantees, letter of credit and acceptance facility.
Non-Resident: A person who is not a resident of India is a non-resident.
Non-Resident Accounts: Accounts of non-resident Indian citizens opened and maintained as per R.B.I. Rules.
Notary Public: A Lawyer who is authorized by Government to certify copies of documents .
NPA Account: If interest and instalments and other bank dues are not paid in any loan account within a specified time limit, it is being treated as non-performing assets of a bank.

Off Balance Sheet Items: Those items which affect the financial position of a business concern, but do not appear in the Balance Sheet E,g guarantees, letters of credit . The mention "off Balance Sheet items" is often found in Auditors Reports or Directors Reports.

The government has announced Rs 10 plastic notes now

          The government has announced Rs 10 plastic notes now

New Delhi: The government will introduce 1 billion pieces of Rs10 bank notes made of plastic on a field trial basis in five cities, minister of state for finance Namo Narain Meena said in Parliament on Tuesday.

“It has been decided by the government and the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) to introduce one billion pieces of Rs10 notes in polymer/plastic on a field trial basis,” Meena said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.

The minister said the field trail will be conducted in five cities—Kochi, Mysore, Jaipur, Bhubaneswar and Shimla with varied geographical locations and climatic conditions. “RBI has informed that while the primary objective of introduction of polymer notes is to increase its life, it could also help in combating counterfeiting,” he added. In reply to a separate question, Meena said various agencies such as the RBI, ministry of finance, ministry of home affairs, security and intelligence agencies of the centre and states, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) are working in tandem to thwart the illegal activities related to fake indian currency notes (FICN). He also said the work of these agencies is periodically reviewed by a nodal group set up for this purpose. “Further, one special FICN Coordination (FCORD) group gas been formed in the ministry of home affairs to share the intelligence/information amongst the different security agencies of state/centre to counter the menace of circulation of fake currency notes in the country,” he added. Meena said National Investigation Agency (NIA) has been empowered by NIA Act to investigate and prosecute offences relating to FICN. “Government has also constituted a terror funding and fake currency cell in NIA to focus investigation on terror funding and fake currency cases,” he said. 

Sebi fines 6 merchant banks for disclosure lapses in CARE IPO

Sebi fines 6 merchant banks for disclosure lapses in CARE IPO

Mumbai: In a major clampdown for "suppression of material facts" in IPO documents, Sebi today penalised merchant banking arms of SBI, ICICI, Kotak Mahindra, IDBI, DSP Merrill Lynch and Edelweiss groups for lapses during the public offer of rating agency CARE two years ago.

The six merchant banks have been asked to pay a fine of Rs 1 crore -- the maximum penalty applicable for violation of disclosure related norms in IPO documents -- within 45 days.

Taking a strong view about the violation of Sebi norms as also the Code of Conduct for merchant banks and book-running lead managers (BRLMs) for public issues, Sebi said in its 86-page order: "While making disclosures in the Red Herring Prospectus, the BRLMs cannot pick and choose some material facts that they prefer to disclose and suppress some material facts.

"If material facts are suppressed or distorted as in the extant case, the very safety and integrity of the securities market would become a cause of concern for the regulators and the investors."

The IPO came in December 2012, prior to which these six bankers had filed a Red Herring Prospectus for the public issue involving sale of nearly 72 lakh shares.

In this case, the bankers had made disclosure of one of the conditions under the FDI route in the RHP, terming it as "a material disclosure" because CARE had specifically sought such approval from RBI.

At the same time, they omitted the disclosure of another condition applicable to the Offer under the FDI route (though the compliance of the same was specifically directed by RBI while granting exemption to non-resident investors participating in the Offer) by unilaterally assuming the non-applicability of the said condition. 
The proposed IPO of CARE (Credit Analysis and Research Ltd) was through the offer for sale route.

It was observed that CARE had received a letter in September 2012 from the RBI agreeing to exempt non-resident investors participating in the offer for sale, from the requirement of obtaining a No Objection Certificate from their respective regulators.

One of the conditions stipulated by RBI while exempting non-resident investors participating in the offer from obtaining NoCs was that the minimum capitalisation norms applicable to Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are strictly adhered to by CARE.

Subsequently, CARE had written to RBI stating that investment by Foreign Institutional Investors, NRIs and Qualified Foreign Investors in the offer would not be foreign direct investment (FDI).

It has also said that relevant regulations and the conditions applicable for FDI including minimum capitalisation norms prescribed would not be applicable to the company in respect of the offer.

The market regulator observed that CARE and the merchant bankers had proceeded with the issue in the absence of any response from RBI and that limited disclosures were made in the prospectus.

According to Sebi, the disclosure in the RHP did not mention the conditional nature of the exemption granted by RBI to the non-resident investors.

The market regulator noted that "it was only since RBI on the penultimate day of the closing of CARE's Offer for Sale permitted six months time to CARE to comply with the minimum capitalisation norm and further granted extension up to September 30, 2013, the FIIs who participated in the Offer prior to the issue of the addendum by the BRLMs did not end up contravening FEMA [Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer of Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations]".

It added: "Nevertheless, this cannot undermine the act of the BRLMs to misrepresent/ suppress material facts in the prospectus with respect to RBI's letter dated September 26, 2012 to CARE, which was against the interest of the non- resident investors participating in the Offer." 

sad day of australia cricket -phil hughes died.....original video

                  OPEK(organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)

  1. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in Baghdad, Iraq, with the signing of an agreement in September 1960 by five countries namely Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. They were to become the Founder Members of the Organization.
                                                SAARK SUMMIT 

1:- The Seventeenth Summit was held from 10-11 of November 2011 in Addu City, Maldives

2:- The 18th SAARC Summit was held at the Nepalese capital Kathmandu from November 26 to November 27, 2014.The motto was ‘Deeper Integration for Peace and Prosperity

3:- Pakistan will host the 19th summit of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in Islamabad in 2016.
This was announced by Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in his address to the 18th SAARC summit being held in the Nepal’s capital

Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAANJHI)

                                   Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAANJHI)

The vision of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is “If we have to build the nation we have to start from the villages" and he believes that "If every MP transforms villages in his/her constituency into model villages, large number of villages in the country would have seen holistic development”. Our PM has requested all Members of Parliament (MP) to develop one model village in their constituency by year 2016 and two more by 2019. Department of Rural Development has formulated guidelines of the scheme. Hon'ble Prime Minister has released the guidelines on 11'th Oct 2014 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.
                                                   Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (Hindiसांसद आदर्श ग्राम योजनाabbr.: SAGY) is a rural development and cleanliness programme broadly focusing upon the development in the villages which includes social development, cultural development and spread motivation among the people on social mobilization of the village community.[1] The programme was launched by the Prime Minister of IndiaNarendra Modi on the birth anniversary of Jayaprakash Narayan, on October 11, 2014.[2]
                                                          Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana was initiated to bring the member of parliament of all the political parties under the same umbrella while taking the responsibility of developing physical and institutional infrastructure in villages and turn them into model villages.[3] Under this scheme, each member of parliament needs to choose one village each from the constituency that they represent, fix parameters and make it a model village by 2016. Thereafter, they can take on two or three more villages and do the same by the time the next general elections come along in 2019, and thereafter, set themselves ten-year-long village or rural improvement projects.[4] Villages will be offered smart schools, universal access to basic health facilities and Pucca housing to homeless villagers

Thursday 27 November 2014

18th SAARC summit


                       18th SAARC summit

The Eighteenth SAARC summit was held in Kathmandu, the capital of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal on 26–27 November 2014.Its main host is Sushil Koirala and it is taking place in Rastriya Sabha Griha Sanandan Raj, Nepal This summit is taking place after an interval of three years as the last summit was held in 2011 in Maldives
                                     The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a multination organisation that comprises eight countries located in South Asia. SAARC is an economic organisation of which Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are members

              Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

What is Jan Dhan Yojana?

It is a new scheme launched in India under which every Indian family will be enrolled in a bank for opening
a zero balance account. This scheme not only provides the families of India to have an account but it also
offer various different profits for the poor families. This new scheme is the 1 step towards bringing
economic equality in the country

Under the scheme:
1. Account holders will be provided zero-balance bank account with RuPay debit card, in addition to accidental insurance cover of Rs 1 lakh.
2. Those who open accounts by January 20, 2015 over and above the 1 lakh ₹ accident, they will be given life insurance cover of Rs 30,000.
3. After Six months of opening of the bank account, holders can avail 5,000 ₹ loan from the bank.
4. With the introduction of new technology introduced by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), a person can transfer funds, check balance through a normal phone which was earlier limited only to smart phones so far.
5. Mobile banking for the poor would be available through National Unified USSD Platform (NUUP) for which all banks and mobile companies have come together

Wednesday 26 November 2014


                                                        INDIAN BANKING

The first bank of limited liability managed by Indians was Oudh Commercial Bank founded in 1881.
Punjab National Bank was established in 1894 .
Swadeshi movement, which began in 1906, encouraged the formation of a number of commercial
banks. Banking crisis during 1913 -1917 and failure of 588 banks in various States during the
decade ended 1949 underlined the need for regulating and controlling commercial banks.
The Banking Companies Act was passed in February1949, which was subsequently amended to
read as Banking Regulation Act, 1949.This Act provided the legal framework for regulation of the
banking system by RBI. The largest bank - Imperial Bank of India - was taken over by the RBI in
1955 and rechristened as State Bank of India, followed by inclusion of its 7 Associate Banks in1959.
At present SBI has five associate banks.
With a view to bring commercial banks into the mainstream of economic development with definite
social obligations and objectives, the Government issued an ordinance on 19 July 1969 acquiring
ownership and control of 14 major banks in the country. Six more commercial banks were
nationalised from 15 April 1980.

Meaning of Bank :-Bank is a lawful organisation, which accepts deposits that can be withdrawn on demand. It also
lends money to individuals and business houses that need it.
Role of Banking:-Banks provide funds for business as well as personal needs of individuals. They play a significant
role in the economy of a nation. Let us know about the role of banking.
 It encourages savings habit amongst people and thereby makes funds available for productive use.
 It acts as an intermediary between people having surplus money and those requiring money for
various business activities.
 It facilitates business transactions through receipts and payments by cheques instead of currency.
 It provides loans and advances to businessmen for short term and long-term purposes.
 It also facilitates import-export transactions.
 It helps in national development by providing credit to farmers, small-scale industries and selfemployed
people as well as to large business houses which lead to balanced economic
development in the country.
 It helps in raising the standard of living of people in general by providing loans for purchase of
consumer durable goods, houses, automobiles, etc.


There are various types of banks which operate in our country to meet the financial requirements of
different categories of people engaged in agriculture, business, profession, etc. On the basis of
functions, the banking institutions in India may be divided into the following types:
1. Central Bank (RBI, in India)
2. Commercial Banks
 Public Sector Banks
 Private Sector Banks
 Foreign Banks
3. Development Banks (IFCI, SFCs)
4. Co-operative Banks
 Primary Credit Societies
 Central Co-operative Banks
 State Co-operative Banks
5. Specialised Banks (EXIM Bank, SIDBI, NABARD)
Central Bank
A bank which is entrusted with the functions of guiding and regulating the banking system of a country is known as its Central bank. Such a bank does not deal with the general public. It acts essentially as Government‟s banker, maintain deposit accounts of all other banks and advances money to other banks, when needed. The Central Bank provides guidance to other banks whenever they face any problem. It is therefore known as the banker‟s bank. The Reserve Bank of India is the central bank of our country. The Central Bank maintains record of Government revenue and expenditure under various heads. It also advises the Government on monetary and credit policies and decides on the interest rates for bank deposits and bank loans. In addition, foreign exchange rates are also determined by the central bank. Another important function of the Central Bank is the issuance of currency notes, regulating their circulation in the country by different methods. No other bank than the Central Bank can issue currency.


Commercial Banks are banking institutions that accept deposits and grant short-term loans and advances to their customers. In addition to giving short-term loans, commercial banks also give medium-term and long-term loan to business enterprises. Now-a-days some of the commercial banks are also providing housing loan on a long-term basis to individuals. There are also many other functions of commercial banks, which are discussed later in this lesson.
Types of Commercial banks:
Commercial banks are of three types i.e., Public sector banks, Private sector banks and Foreign banks.
 Public Sector Banks:
These are banks where majority stake is held by the Government of India or Reserve Bank of India. Examples of public sector banks are: State Bank of India, Corporation Bank, Bank of Baroda and Dena Bank, etc.
 Private Sectors Banks:
In case of private sector banks majority of share capital of the bank is held by private individuals. These banks are registered as companies with limited liability. For example: The ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, Federal Bank etc.
 Foreign Banks:
These banks are registered and have their headquarters in a foreign country but operate their branches in our country. Some of the foreign banks operating in our country are Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), Citibank, American Express Bank, Standard & Chartered Bank, Grindlay‟s Bank, etc. The number of foreign banks operating in our country has increased since the financial sector reforms of 1991. According to a report by RBI there are 47 Foreign Banks branches in India as on March 31, 2013.
 Development Banks
Business often requires medium and long-term capital for purchase of machinery and equipment, for using latest technology, or for expansion and modernization. Such financial assistance is provided by Development Banks. They also undertake other development measures like subscribing to the shares and debentures issued by companies, in case of under subscription of the issue by the public. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) and State Financial Corporations (SFCs) are examples of development banks in India.
Co-operative Banks
People who come together to jointly serve their common interest often form a co-operative society under the Co-operative Societies Act. When a co-operative society engages itself in banking business it is called a Co-operative Bank. The society has to obtain a licence from the Reserve Bank of India before starting banking business. Any co-operative bank as a society has to function under the overall supervision of the Registrar, Co-operative Societies of the State. As regards banking business, the society must follow the guidelines set issued by the ReserveBank of India.


NABARD is set up as an apex Development Bank with a mandate for facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture, small-scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other rural crafts. It also has the mandate to support all other allied economic activities in rural areas, promote integrated and sustainable rural development and secure prosperity of rural areas. In discharging its role as a facilitator for rural prosperity NABARD is entrusted with Providing refinance to lending institutions in rural areas Bringing about or promoting institutional development and Evaluating, monitoring and inspecting the client banks Besides this pivotal role, NABARD also:
Acts as a coordinator in the operations of rural credit institutions
Extends assistance to the government, the Reserve Bank of India and other organizations in matters relating to rural development
Offers training and research facilities for banks, cooperatives and organizations working in the field of rural development
Helps the state governments in reaching their targets of providing assistance to eligible institutions in agriculture and rural development
Acts as regulator for cooperative banks and RRBs
Some of the milestones in NABARD's activities are:
District Rural Industries Project (DRIP) has generated employment for 23.34 lakh persons with 10.95 lakh units in 105 districts.
It was setup with an initial capital of Rs. 100 crore, which is in henced to 4,000 crore in 2013 fully subscribed by the Government of India and RBI.
Nab cons : NABARD Consultancy Services (Nabcons) is a wholly owned subsidiary promoted by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and is engaged in providing consultancy in all spheres of agriculture, rural development and allied areas. Nabcons leverages on the core competence of the NABARD in the areas of agricultural and rural development, especially multidisciplinary projects, banking, institutional development, infrastructure, training, etc., internalized for more than two decades.
The Company is registered under the Company's Act, 1956, with an authorized capital of Rs 250 million (US $5.75 million) and paid up capital of Rs 50 million (US $1.15 million).
In tune with NABARD's mission to bring about rural prosperity, Nabcons has more than just commercial interest in the assignments it undertakes.
NABARD Financial Services Limited, [NABFINS] is a subsidiary of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) with equity participation from NABARD, Government of Karnataka, Canara Bank of India, Dhanalakshmi Bank and Federal Bank. It is a non-deposit taking NBFC registered with the Reserve Bank of India and shall operate throughout India. The main objectives of the Company are to provide financial services in two broad areas of agriculture and microfinance. NABFINS provides credit and other facilities for promotion, expansion, commercialization and modernization of agriculture and allied activities. NBFINS shall engage in the business of providing micro finance sections of the society for securing their prosperity in both rural and urban areas.
NABARD, which is the world renowned apex development bank of our country and pioneered the world's largest microfinance movement, while promoting NABFINS has envisaged that NABFINS shall evolve into a model Microfinance Institution to set standards of governance among the MFIs, operate with exemplary levels of transparency and operate at reasonable/ moderate rates of interest.
Agri Business Finance (AP) Limited (ABFL) was incorporated under Companies Act., 1956 on 17 February 1997. It is a state specific financial institution registered as Non Banking Finance Company. ABFL was promoted with equity participation from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Andhra Bank, Canara Bank, Govt of Andhra Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, State Cooperative Bank and few Industrial Houses/individuals from the State. It operates in the state of Andhra Pradesh with its registered office at Hyderabad. It is whole owned subsidiary of NABARD.
ABFL was incorporated with the objective of providing credit and to offer facilities for promotion, expansion, commercialization and modernization of enterprises engaged in Agriculture and allied activities. The organization is specifically catering to the long-term investment needs of Agriculture and allied activities since its inception from 1997.
Established in 1983, at Lucknow, is an autonomous institute promoted and funded by NABARD. BIRD was established primarily to cater to the training needs of RRB personnel. The Institute, has, since 1st April 1992, been catering to the training and information needs of rural bankers through its topical training programs/seminars . The Institute's mandate also includes Research and Consultancy in the related areas
The functions of commercial banks are of two types.
(A) Primary functions; and
(B) Secondary functions.
 Primary functions
The primary functions of a commercial bank includes:
 Accepting deposits; and
 Granting loans and advances.
The most important activity of a commercial bank is to mobilise deposits from the public. People who have surplus income and savings find it convenient to deposit the amounts with banks. Depending upon the nature of deposits, funds deposited with bank also earn interest. Thus, deposits with the bank grow alongwith the interest earned. If the rate of interest is higher, public feels motivated to deposit more funds with the bank. There is also safety of funds deposited with the bank.
 Grant of loans and advances
The second important function of a commercial bank is to grant loans and advances. Such loans and advances are given to members of the public and to the business community at a higher rate of interest than allowed by banks on various deposit accounts. The rate of interest charged on loans and advances varies according to the purpose and period of loan and also the mode of repayment.
 Loans
A loan is granted for a specific time period. Generally commercial banks provide short-term loans. But term loans, i.e., loans for more than a year may also be granted. The borrower may be given the entire amount in lump sum or in instalments. Loans are generally granted against the security of certain assets. A loan is normally repaid in instalments. However, it may also be repaid in lump sum.
 Advances
An advance is a credit facility provided by the bank to its customers. It differs from loan in the sense that loans may be granted for longer period, but advances are normally granted for a short period of time. Further the purpose of granting advances is to meet the day-to-day requirements of business. The rate of interest charged on advances varies from bank to bank. Interest is charged only on the amount withdrawn and not on the sanctioned amount.
Types of Advances
Banks grant short-term financial assistance by way of cash credit, overdraft and bill discounting.
 Cash Credit
Cash credit is an arrangement whereby the bank allows the borrower to draw amount upto a specified limit. The amount is credited to the account of the customer. The customer can withdraw this amount as and when he requires. Interest is charged on the amount actually withdrawn. Cash Credit is granted as per terms and conditions agreed with the customers.
 Overdraft
Overdraft is also a credit facility granted by bank. A customer who has a current account with the bank is allowed to withdraw more than the amount of credit balance in his account. It is a temporary arrangement. Overdraft facility with a specified limit may be allowed either on the security of assets, or on personal security, or both.
 Discounting of Bills
Banks provide short-term finance by discounting bills, that is, making payment of the amount before the due date of the bills after deducting a certain rate of discount. The party gets the funds without waiting for the date of maturity of the bills. In case any bill is dishonoured on the due date, the bank can recover the amount from the customer.
 Secondary functions
In addition to the primary functions of accepting deposits and lending money, banks perform a number of other functions, which are called secondary functions. These are as follows:
 Issuing letters of credit, travellers cheque, etc.
 Undertaking safe custody of valuables, important documents and securities by providing safe deposit vaults or lockers.
 Providing customers with facilities of foreign exchange dealings.
 Transferring money from one account to another; and from one branch to another branch of the bank through cheque, pay order and demand draft.
 Standing guarantee on behalf of its customers, for making payment for purchase of goods, machinery, vehicles etc.
 Collecting and supplying business information.
 Providing reports on the credit worthiness of customers.

banking terms

                                              BANKING TERMS

Adverse Action Notice: The notice required by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act advising a credit applicant or existing debtor of the denial of their request for credit or advising of a change in terms considered unfavorable to the account holder.
AER: Annual earnings rate on an investment.
Affidavit: A sworn statement in writing before a proper official, such as a notary public.
Alteration: Any change involving an erasure or rewriting in the date, amount, or payee of a check or other negotiable instrument.
Amortization: The process of reducing debt through regular installment payments of principal and interest that will result in the payoff of a loan at its maturity.
Anytime Banking: With introduction of ATMs, Tele-Banking and internet banking, customers can conduct their business anytime of the day and night. The 'Banking Hours' is not a constraint for transacting banking business.
Anywhere Banking : Refers to banking not only by ATMs, Tele-Banking and internet banking, but also to core banking solutions brought in by banks where customer can deposit his money, cheques and also withdraw money from any branch connected with the system. All major banks in India have brought in core banking in their operations to make banking truly anywhere banking.
Annual Percentage Rate (APR): The cost of credit on a yearly basis, expressed as a percentage.
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): A percentage rate reflecting the total amount of interest paid on a deposit account based on the interest rate and the frequency of compounding for a 365-day year.
Annuity : A life insurance product which pays income over the course of a set period. Deferred annuities allow assets to grow before the income is received and immediate annuities (usually taken from a year after purchase) allow payments to start from about a year after purchase.
APR:  The annual percentage rate of interest, usually on a loan or mortgage, usually displayed in brackets and representing the true cost of the loan or mortgage as it shows any additional payments beyond the interest rate.
Application: Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), an oral or written request for an extension of credit that is made in accordance with the procedures established by a creditor for the type of credit requested.
Appraisal: The act of evaluating and setting the value of a specific piece of personal or real property.
Ask Price: The lowest price at which a dealer is willing to sell a given security.

Asset-Backed Securities (ABS): A type of security that is backed by a pool of bank loans, leases, and other assets. Most ABS are backed by auto loans and credit cards – these issues are very similar to mortgage-backed securities.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

banking terms

                                                         BANKING TERMS
Account Agreement: The contract governing your open-end credit account, it provides information on changes that may occur to the account.

Account History: The payment history of an account over a specific period of time, including the number of times the account was past due or over limit.

Account Holder: Any and all persons designated and authorized to transact business on behalf of an account. Each account holder's signature needs to be on file with the bank. The signature authorizes that person to conduct business on behalf of the account.

Acquiring Bank: In a merger, the bank that absorbs the bank acquired.
Accrued interest: Interest due from issue date or from the last coupon payment date to the settlement date. Accrued interest on bonds must be added to their purchase price.
Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMS): Also known as variable-rate mortgages. The initial interest rate is usually below that of conventional fixed-rate loans. The interest rate may change over the life of the loan as market conditions change.  There is typically a maximum (or ceiling) and a minimum (or floor) defined in the loan agreement. If interest rates rise, so does the loan payment. If interest rates fall, the loan payment may as well.
Arbitrage: Buying a financial instrument in one market in order to sell the same instrument at a higher price in another market.
Adverse Action: Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, a creditor's refusal to grant credit on the terms requested, termination of an existing account, or an unfavorable change in an existing account.