Friday 25 September 2015


                              Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd.

1. What is MUDRA?
MUDRA, which stands for Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd., is a new institution being set up by Government of India for development and refinancing activities relating to micro units. It was announced by the Hon’ble Finance Minister while presenting the Union Budget for FY 2016. The purpose of MUDRA is to provide funding to the non corporate small business sector.
2. Why MUDRA has been set up?
The biggest bottleneck to the growth of entrepreneurship in the Non –Corporate Small Business Sector (NCSBS) is lack of financial support to this sector. Majority of this sector does not have access to formal sources of finance. GoI is setting up MUDRA Bank through a statutory enactment for catering to the needs of the NCSBS segment or the informal sector for bringing them in the mainstream. To begin with, it is being set up as a subsidiary of SIDBI.
3. What will be roles and responsibilities of MUDRA?
MUDRA would be responsible for refinancing all Last Mile Financiers such as Non Banking Finance Companies of various types engaged in financing of small businesses, Societies, Trusts, Section 8 Companies [formerly Section 25], Co-operative Societies, Small Banks, Scheduled Commercial Banks and Regional Rural Banks which are in the business of lending to Micro / Small business entities engaged in manufacturing, trading and services activities. The Bank would partner with State / Regional level financial intermediaries to provide finance to Last Mile Financier of Small / Micro business enterprises.
4. What are the offerings of MUDRA? How will MUDRA function?
Under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana, MUDRA has already created its initial products / schemes. The interventions have been named 'Shishu', 'Kishor' and 'Tarun' to signify the stage of growth / development and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit / entrepreneur and also provide a reference point for the next phase of graduation / growth to look forward to :
  • a. Shishu : covering loans upto  50,000/-
  • b. Kishor : covering loans above  50,000/- and upto  5 lakh
  • c. Tarun : covering loans above  5 lakh to  10 lakh
MUDRA will be operating as a refinancing institution through State / Regional level intermediaries. MUDRA's delivery channel is conceived to be through the route of refinance primarily to NBFCs / MFIs, besides other intermediaries including Banks, Primary Lending Institutions etc.
At the same time, there is a need to develop and expand the delivery channel at the ground level. In this context, there is already in existence, a large number of 'Last Mile Financiers' in the form of companies, trusts, societies, associations and other networks which are providing informal finance to small businesses.
5. Who are the target clients of MUDRA / What kind of borrowers are eligible for assistance from MUDRA?
Non –Corporate Small Business Segment (NCSBS) comprising of millions of proprietorship / partnership firms running as small manufacturing units, service sector units, shopkeepers, fruits / vegetable vendors, truck operators, food-service units, repair shops, machine operators, small industries, artisans, food processors and others, in rural and urban areas.
6. Are Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) eligible for assistance from MUDRA?
Yes, MUDRA will be extending refinance support to RRBs for enhancing their liquidity.
7. What is the rate of interest charged by MUDRA?
MUDRA will be a refinancing agency which will extend its funds to Last Mile Financiers to enable them to reach out to the sector. Access to finance in conjunction with rational price is going to be the unique customer value proposition of MUDRA. It will use a variety of innovative financing means to bring down the cost of funding for the ultimate borrower.
8. I have a small business dealing in paper goods. Can MUDRA help me?
Yes. MUDRA will offer smaller loans upto  50,000/ under the 'Shishu' category and beyond  50,000 and upto  5 lakh under the 'Kishor' category. These products have been designed to cater to customers operating at the lower end of the enterprise spectrum. The loans will be extended through MFIs, NBFCs, Banks etc.
9. I have graduated recently. I want to start my own business. Can MUDRA help me?
MUDRA offers smaller loans upto  50,000/ under the 'Shishu' category and beyond  50,000 and upto  5 lakh under the 'Kishor' category. It also offers loans beyond 5lakh and upto  10 lakh under the Tarun category. Depending on your nature of business project requirement you can access finance from one of the intermediaries of MUDRA as per the norms.
10. I have diploma in food processing technology. I want to start my own unit. Please guide me.
Food Processing is an eligible activity for coverage under one of the MUDRA schemes. You can avail assistance under MUDRA schemes as per your requirements.
11. I am an artisan specialising in Jari work. I want to start my own work instead of doing job work for others. Can MUDRA help me?
You can avail assistance under the ‘Shishu’ category of Micro Credit Scheme of MUDRA through any of the MFIs operating in your region for setting up your own enterprise.
12. I have done a course on fashion designing. I want to open my own boutique and develop my own brand. What help can MUDRA offer to me?
MUDRA operates a special scheme for women entrepreneurs; viz; Mahila Uddyami Scheme. Assistance will be provided under all three groups, viz. 'Shishu', 'Kishor' as well as 'Tarun'.
13. I intend to work on franchisee model and open an ice cream parlour. Can MUDRA help me?
MUDRA operates a special scheme 'Business loans for Traders and Shopkeepers'. You can avail the facilities under the scheme as per your requirements.
14. I want to expand my pottery business by adding more variety and designs. What help can I get from MUDRA?
You can avail assistance under the 'Shishu' category of Micro Credit Scheme of MUDRA through any of the MFIs operating in your region for setting up your own enterprise.
15. Scope of PMMY & various types of loan available and which are the agencies that will provide loan?
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) will be extended by all Public Sector Banks such as PSU Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Cooperative Banks, Private Sector Banks, Foreign Banks, Micro Finance Institutions and Non Banking Finance Companies. All loans upto a loan size of  10 lakh provided for non farm sector income generating activities since April 08, 2015 is treated as PMMY.
16. Who will monitor the implementation of PMMY?
Monitoring of PMMY will be done at the State level through SLBC forum and at national level by MUDRA / Department of Financial Services, Govt. of India. For this purpose, MUDRA has developed a portal, wherein the banks and other lending institutions directly feed their achievement details which is consolidated by the system and reports are generated for review.
17. Is there any scheme in Central/State Govt., which is applicable all over India, in which loan without guarantee is granted / the guarantors identity is checked?
Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) is a Govt. of India Scheme, which enables a small borrower to borrow from banks, MFIs, NBFCs for loans upto  10 lakh for non-farm income generating activities. Generally, loans upto  10 lakh issued by banks under Micro Small Enterprises is given without collaterals.
18. Are opening of a school, carpentry and RO water plant installation eligible for the loan, If So, what is the maximum and minimum amount of loan?
Carpentry, RO water plant installation, on a business mode, and educational institution are eligible activities under MUDRA loan, if the loan amount is below  10 lakh. The primary requirement for being a MUDRA loan is to be a income generating activity under manufacturing, processing, trading and service sector and the loan amount is below  10 lakh.
19. What is the eligibility of persons for availing MUDRA loans?
Any Indian Citizen who has a business plan for a non-farm sector income generating activity such as manufacturing, processing, trading or service sector and whose credit need is less than  10 lakh can approach either a Bank, MFI, or NBFC for availing of MUDRA loans under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY). The usual terms and conditions of the lending agency may have to be followed for availing of loans under PMMY. The lending rates are as per the RBI guidelines issued in this regard from time to time.
20. Is there any subsidy under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY). If so details thereof?
There is no subsidy for the loan given under PMMY. However, if the loan proposal is linked some Government scheme, wherein the Government is providing capital subsidy, it will be eligible under PMMY also.
21. Kindly provide brief Profile of MUDRA.
MUDRA which stands for Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd. is a refinance agency and not a direct lending institution. MUDRA provides refinance support to its intermediaries viz. Banks / Micro Finance Institutions / Non Banking Finance Companies, who are in the business of lending for income generating activities in the non farm sector in manufacturing, trading and services sector and who in turn will finance the beneficiaries.
22. Can you provide information on MUDRA Card?
MUDRA Card is an innovative credit product wherein the borrower can avail of credit in a hassle free and flexible manner It will provide a facility of working capital arrangement in the form of CC/OD to the borrower. Since MUDRA Card will be a RuPay Debit Card, it can be used for drawing cash from ATM or Business Correspondent or make purchase using Point of Sale machine. Facility is also there to repay the amount as and when surplus is available, thereby reducing the interest burden.

Friday 21 August 2015

Why is Narendra Modi making more foreign visits ?

Why is Narendra Modi making more foreign visits ???
1. Now Barack Obama and China supports India’s bid for permanent UNSC seat…..
2. $35 billion investment by Japan over a period of 5 years and along with it their expertise in making bullet trains……
3. Australia is set to sign a Nuclear Power deal with India to supply around 500 tonnes of Uranium to India……
4. Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Indra Nooyi (Pepsico), Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook), Jeff
Bezos (Amazon), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) discusses possible investments……
5. Israel inks $5 million deal for Joint Educational Research programme……
6. $20 billion investment from Xi and his Chinese counterparts……
7. 2 Billion Euros support from France for sustainable development in India……
8. Airbus to increase outsourcing in India from 400 million euros to 2 billion euros over the next five years……
9. French National Railways has agreed to co-finance an execution study for a semi- high speed project on upgradation of the Delhi-Chandigarh line to 200 kmph…….
10. Canada agrees to supply 3,000 metric tonnes of uranium to India from this year to power Indian atomic reactors…….
11. Japan and India agree to jointly produce mixed rare earth.
And While we are all yearning for a transformation, development, etc. There is
someone who is actually setting up the
infrastructure for it……
Marketing of ‘Brand India’ has never been so
Number of days Modi stayed abroad touring
15 countries as a PM on official trips = 45……
Number of days Rahul stayed abroad (Bangkok) without informing his voters = 57…….
Now read the description below:
1. BJP Govt. convinced Saudi Arabia not to charge “On-Time Delivery 1 Premium charges” on Crude Oil – Young Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan & External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj sealed the deal. Saved the country thousands of crores… . .
2. India will build 4 Hydroelectric power stations + Dams in Bhutan (India will get lion’s share in Green energy that will be produced in future from these projects) . .
3. India will build Biggest ever dam of Nepal (China was trying hard to get that) – India will get 83% Green energy produce from that hydro power station for free – in future. . . . .
4. Increased relationship with Japan and they agreed to invest $ 30 Billion in DMIC (Delhi – Mumbai Investment Corridor)..
5. Increased strategic relationship with Vietnam and Vietnam has now agreed to give contract of Oil exploration to ONGC-Videsh (UPA was not ready to take this at all because they were worried about China – and getting into a conflict of interests on south China sea)
6. Increase Oil Imports from Iran, despite the ban by USA. . Iran agreed to sell in Indian Rupees and it saved our Forex, not just for now, but protected India from future currency fluctuations. India also gets to build “Chabahar” port of Iran, encircling Pakistan. Because we well have exclusive access for our Naval ships in this port.
7. Australia- despite Australia being a major supplier of Coal & Uranium. . . NaMo was able to convince Tony Abbott and now Australia will supply Uranium for our energy production. . .
8. China leaning President Rajapakse lost elections in Sri Lanka – Remember UPA lost “Hambantota” port development – read latest report of CIA, where they mention RAW has played a major role in power shift of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has backed out of Chinese contract and shifted to Indian project managers.
9. With China, as Trade Deficit was increasing, NaMo forced their hand. Anti-Dumping will come soon so China will invest heavily into India. – China has already committed $ 20 billion Investment in India. That’s nearly ₹140,000 crores.
10. On Security – I think adding Ajit Doval to his team is the best decision by NaMo. See the recent tie-up with Pentagon, Israel & Japan. . Now see how we stopped the Terror Boat and listen to his words … “Any Mumbai like attack from Pakistan and Pakistan will lose Baluchistan!” That’s the language of deterrence that I want to hear as an Indian. We won’t hit first, but if you do, we surely won’t turn the other cheek…. . . .
11. India approved the border road in the NorthEast and around India- China border – Remember just because of China’s opposition, the ADB (Asian Development Bank) didn’t give us funds during UPA regime and UPA held that file under “Environment Ministry control – Remember the infamous “JAYANTHI TAX “? No one bothered about the disastrous effect on our armed forces.
12. India managed to bring back 4,500+ Indians from War zone in Yemen and also brought foreign nationals of 41 different countries, which put India’s name onto the highest platform globally in conducting that rescue mission – PM Narendra Modi specially talked to the new Saudi Arabian king Salman and told him to allow Indian Airforce planes to fly – as Saudi Arabia was attacking on Yemen and Yemen skies was declared NO-FLY Zone: thanks to this we got an assured clear window of a few hours and guys guess who coordinated this? Ajit Doval, Sushama Swaraj and Gen V K Singh. All in person…. When was the
last time you ever heard of ministers involved personally in such efforts that didn’t fetch thousands of crores?? Guess the religion of those rescued?? But it isn’t secular.
13. India’s Air defense was getting weaker by the day, UPA was very happy to let it happen despite repeated specific inputs from the armed forces, NaMo renegotiated Rafale fighter Jets deal with France personally and bought 36 Jets on ASAP basis. At better than rack rates. No middlemen, no commissions…
14. For the first time after 42 yrs Indian
Prime Minister visited Canada not to attend some meeting but as a specific state visit, in a Bilateral deal, India was able convince to Canada to supply Uranium for India’s Nuclear reactors for next 5 years. It will be of great help to Resolve India’s Power problems. . . .
15. Canada approves visa on arrival for all Indian tourists. . . .
16. Till recently we were exclusively buying Nuclear Reactors from Russia or USA and it was much like beggar kind of situation because they were worried about usage of Nuclear reactor for some other use. So only what they opted to give us, we could get. . Now Narendra Modi was able to convince France and now France will make Nuclear reactors with the latest technology in India. On MAKE IN INDIA efforts.. with collaboration with an Indian company as a partner. . .
17. During 26th Jan. visit of Barack Obama , NaMo convinced USA to drop rule of Nuclear fuel tracking and sorted out Liabilities rules which now open the gates for next 16 Nuclear power plant projects. . . . Isn’t this good enough to improve the lot of India?

Thursday 20 August 2015

prime ministerial trips made by Narendra Modi 2015


            prime ministerial trips made by                                    Narendra Modi 2015

 Seychelles 10–11 March :- Modi's visit to Seychelles was part of his "Indian Ocean outreach" program. While there, he held talks with President James Alexis Michelin order to strengthen maritime ties and enhance bilateral development and cooperation

 Mauritius 11–13 March :- Modi was the chief guest at the Mauritian National Day on 12 March

Sri Lanka 13–14 March :- Modi was scheduled to visit Sri Lanka earlier, in January 2015. He eventually made this visit from 13-15 March 2015, following newly-inaugurated Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena's visit to New Delhi in February. During this trip, Modi also visited the city of Jafna in the Northern Province.

Singapore 29 March:- Prime Minister Modi attended the state-funeral of Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore. There, at the sidelines, he met several world leaders including the Israeli President. It was his first visit to Singapore, and he is expected to visit again during the later part of the year for the golden jubilee celebration of India and Singapore's diplomatic relations

 France 9–12 April :- During his visit, Prime Minister Modi encouraged French companies to participate in the Make In India programme in defense, civil nuclear power and food processing

 Germany 12–14 April :-Modi had worked out a state visit to Berlin following his first meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel. Modi had planned to work out a bilateral meeting between India and Germany earlier, in July 2014, while he spent 2 nights there on his onward and return journey to Brazil but this did not take place due to scheduling issues. Modi, most notably, visited Hannover where he pitched his Make in India campaign to various German industries

 Canada 14–16 April :- Modi addressed a huge gathering of overseas Indians in Toronto, similar to his previous Madison Square Garden event

 China 14–16 May :- Modi made his first visit to the People's Republic of China in May 2015. President Xi Jinping received Modi in Xi'an, his home town (akin to Xi'sAhmedabad trip last September, the home town of Modi), before official talks in Beijing

 Mongolia 16–17 May:-Modi become the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Mongolia. During his visit, he boosted talks on the supplying of Mongolian Uranium to India.

10  South Korea 18–19 May:-Modi's visit to South Korea was part of India's East Asia policy and Modi's attempt to promote his Make in India concept to Korean investors.

11 Bangladesh 6-7 June :-Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid a State visit to Bangladesh from June 6 – 7, 2015 at the invitation of H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh. This visit, the Prime Minister’s first to Bangladesh, reflects the importance of the bilateral relationship between India and Bangladesh. During this visit, the Prime Minister discussed the ratification of te India-Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement - 1974 & Protocol- 2011. The visit is expected to further expand the cordial and cooperative relationship between the two countries and strengthen the ties of friendship and trust between India and Bangladesh.
During the visit, Prime Minister will hold discussions with Prime Minister H.E. Sheikh Hasina. The Prime Minister’s programme will also include a call on the President of Bangladesh H.E. Mr. Md. Abdul Hamid
12  Uzbekistan 6 July:-
13  Kazakhstan 7 July :-
14  Russia 8–10 July:-This visit will be the Prime Minister's second BRICS summit after he took office as Prime Minister of India in 2014. This includes his first state visit to Moscow
15  Turkmenistan 10-11 July :- PM Modi visited Turkmenistan and other central Asian countries following his visit to Ufa, Russia for the BRICS summit.
16 Kyrgyzstan 12 July:-
17 Tajikistan 12-13 July:-
18  United Arab Emirates 16-17 August :-Prime ministerial visit to the gulf nation 34 years after Indira Gandhi