Monday 1 December 2014

foreign visits of prime minister narendra modi in 2014

Prime Ministerial trips of Narendra Modi

1 Bhutan :-
             currency of bhutan   -  Bhutanese ngultrum
             capital of bhutan     - Thimphu
             president of bhutan - Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
                                      Modi made his first foreign visit to Bhutan following an invitation by King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Tobgay. The visit was called by the media as a "charm offensive" that would also seek to check Bhutan-China relations that had recently been formalised.He also sought to build business ties, including a hydro-electric deal, and inaugurated the India-funded Supreme Court of Bhutanbuilding.While talking about the visit, Modi said that Bhutan was a "natural choice" for his first foreign destination because of the "unique and special relationship" the two countries shared. He added that he was looking forward to nurture and further strengthen India's special relations with Bhutan. His entourage included Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh. He was further set to discuss the insurgency in Northeast India, and China.

2 Brazil :-
                    currency  -   Brazilian real
                          capital  -   Brasília
          president  -    Dilma Rousseff
                       In July 2014, he visited Brazil for his first multilateral visit, the 6th BRICS summit was held at the north-eastern beach city of Fortaleza.In the Fortaleza summit the group have agreed to establish a financial institution rivaling the western dominatedWorld Bank and IMF, The bank would be named the New Development Bank as suggested by the Indian side but Modi govt. failed to bag the bank's headquarter forNew Delhi, which would be located in Shanghai, China. Later the BRICS leader also attended an event in Brasilia where they met the UNASUR heads of government. At the same time, the Ministry of External Affairs added Spanish to its list of available languages, which the Hindustan Times read as "indicative of the government's intent to go beyond Europe, Asia and the US to forge diplomatic and trade ties with Latin American nations." He travelled there via Germany

3 Nepal :-
                currency   -­ Nepalese rupee
            president   - Ram Baran Yadav
                             capital   - Kathmandu
prime minister   - Sushil Koirala
                      Modi arrived for a two-day visit to Nepal on 3 August. The last visit of an Indian prime minister to Nepal was 17 years ago in 1997 by I. K. Gujral.[9][Note I] The talks with Nepal were focused on reviewing the 1950's Treaty of Peace and Friendship, India-funded hydroelectricity projects in Nepal and other infrastructure projects in Nepal. Following Jana Andolan, that marked the beginning of constitutional democracy in 1990, Modi became the first foreign leader to address the Parliament of Nepal.[11][12] The Western media read it as a shift in foreign affairs for India, as well as a Nepal policy shift.  He did puja at the fifth century Hindu Pashupatinath temple (where he donated Rs. 25 crores and the head priest, Mool Bhatta Ganesh Bhatta, said: "I told him that we see him as a mascot for Hinduism, and appreciate his efforts in saving Hindu culture").Further he pledged not to interfere in Nepal's internal affairs (following controversy of appointment of Indian priests at a Nepali temple, Modi announced a credit assistance programme of US$1 billion to Nepal and said "Nepal can free India of its darkness with its electricity. But [sic] we don't want free electricity, we want to buy it. Just by selling electricity to India, Nepal can find a place in the developed countries of the world." He also told Nepali MPs he wanted to turn India's "hostile borders benign and ultimately gateways for free trade and commerce...borders must be bridges not barriers." The Kathmandu Postreacted in writing: "Modi mantra warms Nepal's hearts."  The New York Times also suggested the lack of a meeting with former King Gyanendra signified that India would not support a return to monarchy despite the lack of a new constitution of Nepal. The commonality of a majority Hindu heritage was also played up

4 Japan :-
             Currency  - Japanese yen
               King   -  Akihito

                              Capital  - Tokyo
  prime minister  -  Shinzō Abe
                                    He visited Japan on a five-day official trip from 30 August to 3 September which is labelled as his fist bilateral state visit outside the subcontinent. His 2014 visit further strengthened the ties between the two countries, and resulted in several key agreements, including the elevating the already established strategic partnership to the "Special Strategic Global Partnership". During his visit official negotiations have progressed on the sale of US 2 amphibious aircraft for Indian Navy and the long pending civil nuclear agreements

                       Currency – US dollar
                    president  -  Barack Obama

                 capital   - Washington, D.C.          

                                                 Modi delivered his maiden speech in the sixty-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly on 27 September 2014, where he called for reform and expansion of United Nations Security Council including India's long standing demand of a permanent membership. He expressed his concerns over the relevance of a 20th century setup in 21st century and the need to evaluate UN's performance in the past 70 years. He had also argued why UN should serve as G-All for global governance instead of several parallel sub-groupings like G7, G20 etc. In the wake of ISIS threat in West Asia and similar in other parts of the globe he urged for immediate implementation of 'Comprehensive on International Terrorism' by the UN and offered India's pro-active role in it citing India as a victim of terrorism for decades. Prior to his speech he along with External Affairs Minister Swaraj met UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and discussed UN governance relating issues.[23]Ridiculing the possibility of any multilateral intervention, a demand Sharif has made in his address at the UNGA on 26 September, on Kashmir related mater he stated that his govt is ready for 'bilateral talk' to Pakistan provided Pakistan should cultivate suitable environment for talks by giving up terrorism policy against India. Modi commented briefly on climate change and use of clean energy, in this regards he also asked world leaders and UN officials for observing Yoga Day, emphasizing the importance of incorporating Yoga in modern day life style. Modi fasted during aWhite House dinner in his honor.
6 Myanmar 
                   Currency - Burmese kyat
               president  - Thein Sein
            capital   - Naypyidaw
                       from November 11-13   2014   for  East Asia Summit

     7 Australia
                    Currency - Australian dollar
     Prime minister - Tony Abbott
              Capital - Canberra

                                   The Prime Minister of Australia is the highest minister of the Crown, leader of the Cabinet and head of government, holding office on commission from the Governor-General of Australia. The office of Prime Minister is, in practice, the most powerful political office in Australia. Despite being at the apex of executive government in the country, the office is not mentioned in the Constitution of Australia and it exists through an unwritten political convention.
By convention, the prime minister is the leader of the political party or coalition with majority support in the House of Representatives. However, there is no requirement that the prime minister sit in the House of Representatives, or even be a member of parliament. The only case where a member of the Senate was appointed prime minister was John Gorton, who subsequently resigned his Senate position and was elected as a member of the House of Representatives (Senator George Pearce was acting prime minister for seven months in 1916 while Billy Hughes was overseas).[1]
The current Prime Minister is Tony Abbott, the leader of the Coalition and the Liberal Party of Australia, after the Coalition defeated the Australian Labor Party at the 2013 federal election.

   8   Fiji             
               Currency - Fijian dollar
          Capital  - Suva
      President   -  Epeli Nailatikau
                  In more than 33 years Modi became the first Indian head of government to visit Fiji after Indira Gandhi's visit in 1981.[29] There he also attended a 'Forum for India-Pacific Island cooperation' along with leaders from all 14 Pacific islands nations

9 Nepal

                currency   -­ Nepalese rupee
            president   - Ram Baran Yadav
                             capital   - Kathmandu
prime minister   - Sushil Koirala


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